Helping your Company to grow

The Silverx Consulting Group works to help you setup and maintain an Unix environment, and a Website presence on the Internet that is safe and secure, and then either maintain it for you or provide the necessary training to your own IT personal to continue your successful IT systems using Unit.

We achieve measurable results, in the area Unix System Administration, and Web Development. Our strategies include helping a small company to grow and to have a presence on the Internet that conforms to recognized industry standards used by America and other European countries. You can count on us to help you identify risks in your IT Unix system, and maintain it so that it reduces risk of failure to your company. In addition we can great a safe and secure Web presence on the Internet.

We concentrate on challenges that impact your system that you company has in the area of Unix System Administration, and having a presence on the Internet. We employ innovative techniques to insure that your Unix system is property maintained and you have a secure environment to work with, in addition to a Internet presence in the way of a Website.

We work to lower your overall IT costs, and create value for your company.

We will work with your current IT staff if you have one to assist and to provide training as required on-site to your company.

We look forward to providing service to your company in become world-class presences in the area of Unit IT systems, and Website development.